One Year

Today marks exactly one year since we moved into our house.  One year!  It feels like this is both still a new house, and yet we’ve been here forever all at the same time!  (I’m pretty sure I didn’t word that quite right, but you know what I mean!) We are also pretty sure this is our “forever house;” the place the kids will grow-up in and know and remember as home.  Really, I absolutely love this house and feel super blessed to be here.  There really isn’t much I would change; but I am having a lot of fun putting our personal stamp on it!

 The most recent project for me was painting our front door green.  (I say green because my husband says it’s much easier to understand than chartreuse!)  It took 4 coats on each side, but it was well worth it; I am loving the color and the fun it adds.

My husband’s most recent project is this chicken fence.  I absolutely love how he always includes the girls to help him somehow — even if they didn’t ask!  It’s not quite finished yet, but I’ll be sure to post pics when it is.

Lots more projects underway… after all, it is summer, right?  I’m finding myself both stressed and excited about getting all my projects done before school starts again — and it’s only July 1!  I have to remind myself to just take it one day, one project at a time.  And, I also have to remind myself to go to bed because I am quite certain the kids will be up before the sun, which is simply way too early!  Good night!!

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